
Online booking

Having trouble booking online?

If you having trouble using the online booking form, please follow the step by step guide below

Completing the form

Picking your session

  1. Visit the form in your favorite browser.
  2. Using the calendar, click on the desired day you wish to book the session on.
  3. Once you have selected a date, a list of sessions will appear. Click ‘select’ and check that you have selected the correct session.
  4. Some sessions will have restrictions. Please be aware if you attend a session and you do not meet the restriction, you will be denied entry.
  5. The session list will also show all events appearing on the selected day, you can view the event for more information by clicking ‘select’ near the event then click ‘View event’.
  6. Once you have confirmed the above, click ‘Book’.

Booking details

  1. Enter the booking name. This should be the name of the person completing the form.
  2. Enter the telephone or mobile number you wish to be contacted if there is an issue with your booking. We will not contact you unless we require too.
  3. Enter the email address you wish the confirmation email to be sent too. We will only send you a confirmation email.
  4. Once you have confirmed the details are correct, click ‘Next’.

Adding participants

Since April 2018 in order to use the booking features, you must enable advanced features. If you have not done so yet, you can find out more here.

  1. Enter the participant’s membership number. If you forgot or cannot remember, you can find out here.
  2. Enter the participant’s date of birth.
  3. Once you have confirmed the details are correct, click ‘Find member’.
  4. If the details you provided are correct, you will see a confirmation. Please check this is the correct member then click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
  5. If you selected ‘Yes’, you are now able to repeat steps 1 to 4 until you have added all participants.
  6. If you selected ‘No’, you can try again.
  7. If an error message returned, please read the message and try again. If you are still having problems, you can contact us here.
  8. When you have added all participants, then click ‘Next’.


Please ensure all details are correct. If you need to change any details, you can click ‘Change.’ underneath the section.

Once you are certain the details are correct, ensure you understand our terms and conditions then click ‘Checkout’

From here, you will be redirected to PayPal. RampWorld Cardiff does not store any credit card information. Once you have returned to the form. Please check again that all details are correct then click ‘Buy’. Once you clicked by, the booking will be finalised.

Your done!

When the booking has been added to our system, you will be presented a booking number. We suggest that you keep a copy of this number as this what staff members will use when processing your booking on site.